Our Project Team

Annemarie Samuels
Principal Investigator
Annemarie Samuels is Associate Professor at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development at Leiden University. She is the Principal Investigator of the Globalizing Palliative Care research project. In her research projects, Annemarie centralizes a first-person perspective on the remaking of lifeworlds in the face of extreme hardship. Her work on disaster, HIV/AIDS, and end-of-life care explores how people make and remake relations with the world and others through narratives and silences and how they navigate ethical demands in such difficult circumstances. Thereby, it illuminates the ways in which people subjectively engage with the social and political forces that shape their lives in times of crisis. Currently focusing on the global mobility of palliative care discourses, policies and practices, she asks how such models are translated across cultural contexts and how local practices and experiences of end-of-life care shape this process.

Natashe Lemos Dekker
Postdoctoral researcher
Natashe Lemos Dekker is an anthropologist and works as a postdoctoral researcher in the Globalizing Palliative Care project. Within the project, Natashe focuses on end-of-life and palliative care in a context of rapid aging in Brazil. Asking how care for the dying is provided and accessed both in hospital and home settings, she aims to understand the experiences of elderly people of living toward the end of life. It contributes to the overarching aim of the project to offer a medical anthropological approach to the globalization and cultural mediation of palliative care practices, policies, and discourses. It does so by examining how local end-of-life care practices impact palliative care and how globally circulating discourses of palliative care are transforming local notions of death and dying; and how palliative care practices, policies and discourses are translated, adapted and reconstituted in the Brazilian socio-cultural context.

Hanum Atikasari
PhD candidate
Hanum Atikasari is PhD candidate in the Globalizing Palliative Care project. She will conduct ethnographic research in Indonesia.

Shajeela Shawkat
PHD Candidate
Shajeela Shawkat is PhD candidate in the Globalizing Palliative Care project. She will conduct ethnographic research in India.

Bart Barendregt
Bart Barendregt is Professor of Digital Diversity in Muslim Southeast Asia at Leiden University. He is the promotor of the PhD students in the Globalizing Palliative Care project. He is an expert in the anthropology of Asia, with extensive research experience in the fields of Islam, media and popular and digital culture. Currently his research focusses on how Southeast Asians use artificial intelligence (AI) in everyday life, and how digital technology contributes to exciting societal experiments and ethical dilemmas.

Iris Klapwijk
Project assistant
Iris Klapwijk has a BA in Journalism and a MA in Cultural Anthropology. She works as web-editor for the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology of the Leiden University. She is the project assistant within the Globalizing Palliative Care project.