News & Events
Samuels and Atikasari talk at Universitas Indonesia
Dr. Annemarie Samuels and PhD candidate Hanum Atikasari will talk about Gender, Inequality & Care for People with Advanced Illness
A conversation with the Amsterdam – Diemen Palliative Care Network
In this video Dr. Natashe Lemos Dekker discusses palliative care with members of the Amsterdam-Diemen Palliative Care Network. Lemos Dekker
Online book talk: Making meaningful lives by Iza Kavedžija
On 6 December 2022 Iza Kavedžija talks about her book Making meaningful lives. This online book talk is part of the webinar series
Unfolding Finitudes: Current Ethnographies of Aging, Dying and End-of-Life Care. Participation is free, but please register to receive the zoom link in advance.
Public Lecture on Palliative Care by Jonathan Koffman
Thursday 25 August 2022 rofessor of palliative care at the Wolfson Palliative Care Research Centre at the Hull York Medical School Jonathan Koffman will give a public lecture on Palliative Care: ‘Known unknowns and unknown unknowns – wrestling with clinical uncertainty at the end of life’. Dr. Olaf Geerse (AMC Amsterdam) will be the moderator.
Atikasari presents at AASA conference
On Thursday, 7th of July 2022, Hanum Atikasari gave a dual presentation with Associate Professor Linda Bennett from The University
Lemos Dekker shows research during Healthy Society Event
A Healthy Society is one of the main pillars of the Leiden Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences’ Strategic Plan. Natashe Lemos Dekker showed her research project in which she focusses on how palliative care is provided and accessed in Brazil during the Healthy Society Event on 9 June 2022.